Wednesday – September 25th – 2019

STUDENT A’s QUESTIONS (Do not show these to Student B.)

(1) Are you sometimes rude?
(2) What do you think about rudeness?
(3) What acts of rudeness bother you most?
(4) Is rudeness a problem in your country?
(5) What did your parents tell you about being rude?
(6) Blowing your nose in public is OK in England but rude in Japan. Slurping noodles is OK in Japan but rude in England. Who decides what’s rude and what’s not?
(7) Who is the rudest person you know?
(8) What rude behaviour do you see in public every day?
(9) What do you do when sales staff in shops or waiting staff in restaurants are very rude?
(10) If someone is rude to you, are you generally rude back?

STUDENT B’s QUESTIONS (Do not show these to Student A.)

(1) What springs to mind when you hear the word ‘rudeness’?
(2) Is your society becoming ruder or more polite?
(3) Which nationalities do you think are overly rude?
(4) Do cars make people rude?
(5) Are there many rude words in your language?
(6) How do you deal with someone who is very rude to you?
(7) Do you think it’s rude to correct someone’s grammar mistakes in a conversation?
(8) Should being rude be made a crime?
(9) Do you like watching one person being very rude to another person?
(10) Why is it rude to ask someone’s age?

Wednesday – September 18th – 2019

STUDENT A’s QUESTIONS (Do not show these to Student B.)

(1) Do you dream often?
(2) Do you remember your dreams?
(3) Do you dream in colour or in English?
(4) Do you like having dreams?
(5) Do you believe dreams have a special meaning?
(6) Do you have the same dreams again and again?
(7) Has something you’ve dreamt about ever come true?
(8) Have you ever been woken up by a nightmare?
(9) What kinds of people do you meet in your dreams?
(10) Do you tell other people about the dreams you have?

STUDENT B’s QUESTIONS (Do not show these to Student A.)

(1) Do you talk in your sleep when you dream?
(2) Have you ever woken up and believed you’re still in your dream?
(3) Do you think animals dream?
(4) Does having a dream affect the way you feel when you wake up?
(5) Do you think dreams can be explained scientifically?
(6) Would you like to stop having dreams or have more dreams?
(7) Do you have the same dreams you had when you were a child?
(8) Do you ever want to live in the world of your dreams?
(9) Do you daydream?
(10) Why do you think some people remember their dreams and others don’t?

Wednesday- September 11th- 2019

A Part of Conversation Questions for the ESL Classroom.
What kinds of gifts do you like to give?
Have you ever re-gifted something?
If you don’t like a gift, how long should you keep it?
What gift will you give your home-stay family when you leave?
What was your last gift?
What gift will you give your boyfriend/girlfriend for their birthday?
Is there a special gift you like to get?
What kinds of gifts do you like to get?
Do you ever give or get a knick-knack as a gift?
How did you like your last gift?
Did you ever get a gift you didn’t like?
What gift do you recommend someone give in your culture?
For children?
For parents?
For spouses?
For boyfriend?
For Girlfriend?
What gift would you most like to get?
What was the best gift you ever received?
How do you thank someone who gave you a gift?
What kinds of gifts do you think the other people in the class need?
Who was the last person you gave a gift to?
Is it enough for a husband/boyfriend to give flowers to his wife/girlfriend on her birthday?
What are the times of the year that you give gifts?
What are some of the things that you do not give as gifts in your country?
What do you think of people who give gifts?

Wednesday -September 4th – 2019

STUDENT A’s QUESTIONS (Do not show these to Student B.)

(1) How do you feel about climate change?
(2) Are you more worried about climate change or the war on terror?
(3) Has climate change affected the country in which you live?
(4) Do you believe everything scientists say about climate change?
(5) Do you believe everything politicians say about climate change?
(6) What do you think the world’s climate will be like 50 years from now?
(7) What do you do to try to limit the effects of climate change?
(8) What is your country doing to limit the effects of climate change?
(9) Do you think the USA and China are doing enough?
(10) How often do you think about climate change?

STUDENT B’s QUESTIONS (Do not show these to Student A.)

(1) How would you explain climate change to someone who knew nothing about it?
(2) What can the world do to reverse climate change?
(3) Are “eco-friendly” cars and electrical appliances really eco-friendly?
(4) What will our grandchildren think of us using so much carbon?
(5) What do you know about carbon footprints?
(6) Which industries need to become cleaner and greener?
(7) Do you think there’ll be climate change refugees in the future?
(8) What are you most worried about with climate change?
(9) Are there any positives to come from climate change?
(10) Is climate change the worst thing ever to happen to humankind?