April 17 2018 blog post

Hello All,

Please read this article and maybe watch the video. Then you will be ready to discuss the topic. Living in a van…




  • Could you live in van? For a short time? For a long time? What do you think the benefits and drawbacks would be?
  • Do you trust people who live in their vehicles?
  • Is this a common situation in your home country?
  • Should cities allow vans to park for free in certain areas of the city?
  • Housing prices are getting very high in many parts of Canada. Do you think the government should get involved?
  • Do you consider yourself and adventurous or cautious person?
  • What is something adventurous that you dream of doing? Remember, ‘dream’ means you might never do that thing but you wish you could.
  • What changes are happening in your home culture?


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