May 2, 2018 Blog Post

Hello All,

Here is the video for this week. You only need to watch about the first five minutes of it. Please make sure you understand the questions so that we can discuss them in class. Thanks!

An Epiemic of Beauty Sickness

Renee Engeln

1) Which do you think is more important, health, or appearance?

2) Would you take medicine to cure an appearance problem (for example, acne or serious pimples) even though it might negatively affect your health?

3) Do you think our culture is too worried about appearance?

4) If someone dies because they were taking a prescribed drug, whose fault is it? The company that makes the drug, the government for allowing the drug to me prescribed, the doctor for prescribing the drug, or the patient for choosing to take the drug?

5) Who puts more pressure on girls to be beautiful? Men or Women?

6) Would you rather be fat or injured in an accident (eg. a car accident)?

7) In this modern time, do men face the same pressure to look good as women do?

8) Tell about a time that you ignored your health and a time you really cared about your health.

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