It’s that time of year, and everybody’s getting into the festive mood. Try solving our Christmas-themed word search puzzle that was made at The aim is for you to find and circle all of the listed words, which have been hidden amongst a jumble of random letters. It’s also a fun way for […]
Month: December 2020
Holiday Greetings from all of us at CanPacific!
All of us at CanPacific College of Business and English would like to wish you good health and all the best this holiday season and the year to come. We’d also like to extend our thanks to those who have supported us throughout the year. Even though it’s a challenging time for everybody due to […]

“When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.”
The proverbial expression means that you should make the best out of a difficult situation and maintain a positive attitude. Facebook: LinkedIn: Instagram: Youtube: Special promotion:

Staying Informed
During these challenging times, it is very important to stay informed. Therefore, we would like to promote reliable sources of information regarding the COVID-19 pandemic. For current information on the COVID-19 situation in Canada, please check out the COVID-19 Situation Awareness Dashboard at If you’re in Ontario, you might also want to examine the […]