Quantifiers are used to express quantities or how many things and how much of something we’re talking about. Some quantifiers are used with countable nouns. Below, you will find a list of some quantifiers that are used with plural and singular countable nouns. Quantifiers for Plural Countable Nouns Quantifiers for Singular Countable Nouns Both Many […]
Month: September 2021

How Many Words Are There in English?
It’s not an easy task to quantify all of the words in English. According to the December 2020 update from the Oxford English Dictionary (1), there are more than 600,000 words in English. Of course, some of them have become obsolete (i.e.: not used anymore; out of use). It’s quite an impressive number. So, how […]

Homework Strategies
Homework plays an important role in learning English. If you have lots of homework to do after your English class, or if you have difficulties doing it, there are certain strategies that you can try out. Create a homework space It seems obvious, but it’s very important to have a designated space for doing the […]