
A limerick is a humorous or light verse of usually five lines that rhyme in a certain pattern, which is AABBA. In other words, the first two and the last lines rhyme. Take a look at the following example: There was an Old Man with a beard, Who said, ‘It is just as I feared! […]

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Japanese Loanwords

Have you tried karate, judo or kendo? You’ve probably had sushi or seen some bonsai trees. In fact, the words ‘karate,’ ‘judo,’ ‘sushi’ and ‘bonsai’ come from Japan. Over time, they have been absorbed into English. Such borrowed words are also called ‘loanwords.’ Of course, the spelling of the words in Japanese is different, and […]

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“A watched pot never boils.”

This proverb is not really about pots. It’s about giving time to something that takes time and not constantly checking it. Facebook: LinkedIn: Instagram: Youtube: Special promotion:

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