Shopping is a hobby that both men and women are interested in it. According to survey, people spend 10 hours per month for shopping. That includes spending time to shop in person or do it on- line. Here people spend a lot of time shopping, that is why I decided to introduce a list of […]
Black Friday – Canada
Shopping is one of the most enjoyable activities especially for women. In November, everyone is looking for Black Friday, which is on 25th, in order to buy what they want with good deals! On this day many stores offer highly promoted sales, they open stores very early and close such as midnight. This is the […]
Remembrance Day – Canada
Remembrance Day or Armistice Day is on November 11th. It marks the ends of hostilities during the First World War and an opportunity to recall all those who have served in the nation’s defense. Poopy is the symbol of this day. Most of the business and schools are closed in this day .There are 10 […]
Halloween is another special occasion which celebrated on or around October 31st. In this single night in the year, old Celtic beliefs that, sprits and dead can cross over into the world of the living. For this day people will decorate their houses with scary stuff like spider or spider’s web or skeletons. They will […]