when you want to learn English not only you must focus on four skills which are speaking , writing , listening and reading but also you need to work on sub skills which are grammar, pronunciation, and functions . In order to speak fluently you need to work on all at the same time, these […]
Month: May 2019

Victoria day in Canada
Victoria Day is a Canadian statutory holiday celebrated on the Monday preceding May 25 in every province and territory. It honors Queen Victoria’s birthday. In Quebec this holiday is called “National Patriotes Day. https://www.canadashistory.ca/explore/arts-culture-society/the-story-of-victoria-day Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/canpacific LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/2923770/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/canpacific/ Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzHi6Jd15XOCu-mn_F8-QwQ Special promotion: https://www.canpacificcollege.com/lead.php
Mother’s day Canada
Mother’s day is a celebration honoring the mother of the family, as well as motherhood. They sacrifice they life so their children and their partner could achieve the goals they want. They have several jobs at the same time, they are mother, wife, sister, manager, cook, cleaner and children and a husband expect her to […]

How to improve writing
I did a survey about which skills in English is the most difficult one? 90% of the answers were writing. They told me they don’t have any idea how to start and how to continue writing for 5 paragraphs .In my idea , writing needs practice and as you know practice makes you perfect but […]