Even though learning another language is difficult, but it has lost of benefits too. In order to keep the brain active and prevent some diseases such as Alzheimer, we need to do different activities like doing crossword puzzle or learning new languages. This can help to keep the mind sharp. When you learn a new […]
Category: Uncategorised

Staying Informed
During these challenging times, it is very important to stay informed. Therefore, we would like to promote reliable sources of information regarding the COVID-19 pandemic. For current information on the COVID-19 situation in Canada, please check out the COVID-19 Situation Awareness Dashboard at https://health-infobase.canada.ca/covid-19/dashboard/. If you’re in Ontario, you might also want to examine the […]

National Tartan Day
April 6th is National Tartan Day—a day for celebrating the contributions to our country of the more than four million Canadians who have Scottish ancestry. Canada joins with many other countries around the world today in recognizing the achievements of their citizens who hail from Scotland. National Tartan Day is marked annually on April 6, the […]

Canadian Wedding Traditions
A lot of young children dream about their wedding day. Some 9 year olds even use their spare time to scrapbook about things related to their special day. Overall, every country has different cultural traditions. That being said, Canada has some interesting traditions. Below is a link to a list of unique traditions found in […]

9 things you must try in Canada
There are certain things that Canada does better than any other country in the world. If you really want to get the true Canadian experience you should try eating your way through this list. (Caution, your waistline might not approve) 1) Tim Hortons, Nothing is more Canadian than a pit stop at the local Timmy’s. […]