Easter Monday is the day after Easter Sunday and is a holiday in some countries. Easter Monday in the Western Christian liturgical calendar is the second day of Eastertide and analogously in the Byzantine Rite is the second day of Bright Week. https://www.timeanddate.com/holidays/canada/easter-monday Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/canpacific LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/2923770/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/canpacific/ Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzHi6Jd15XOCu-mn_F8-QwQ Special promotion: https://www.canpacificcollege.com/lead.php
Month: March 2024

Good Friday
Good Friday Good Friday marks the death of Jesus Christ according to the Christian religion. It is a fundamental part of Christianity along with the resurrection of Jesus on Easter Sunday. Many agree that this is a more important holiday than Christmas since it is the ultimate proof that Jesus is the son of God […]

Tim Hortons
Having a cup of coffee is the first thing after I washing my face in the morning. Having coffee makes me feel fresh and thinks better. I almost always have 2 or 3 cups of coffee per day. But this will change based on mood .When I am too tired or nervous I need to […]

Divorce in Canada
Approximately 38 percent of all marriages end in divorce with the divorce rate peaking around 41% in the 1980s. While the total divorce rate has been steady, there has been a steady increase in the divorce rate for three-year marriages. The divorce rate tends to decrease as the length of the marriage increases. Canada is […]

Saint Patrick’s Day
Saint Patrick’s Day is in honor of the Patron Saint of Ireland, who brought Christianity to the Emerald Isles, as Ireland is known. It is truly a day of celebrating Irish history, ancestry, traditions and customs. It is held on March 17th. Saint Patrick’s Day has many symbols and traditions, from shamrocks and leprechauns, to […]